Powerwells: From Startup Weekend to providing light and power to those in need

Support local entrepreneurship and give the gift of power to homes in need.

The Powerwells team had the opportunity last night to share their story in front of an audience that included Lord Marland of Odstock, Chairman of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council. The social enterprise is a great example of a team taking an idea from a Startup Weekend, to customer validation, to product in market.

I first met the Powerwells team when I judged the social enterprise-focused Startup Weekend in Logan City Council. Over a few short days, the team had come up with an idea and built a product to use recycled batteries to create power sources for remote communities.

Most teams in a Startup Weekend dissipate as soon as the event is over.  The Powerwells team hopped on a plane to Indonesia to test their distribution model and get in front of customers. The product not only provides power but also employment opportunities for local communities.

The trip validated the idea and kicked off their crowdfunding campaign. The team is an example of what can be done when you have the passion, commitment, and capability to deliver on an idea.

The team is currently running a crowdfunding campaign to help get an initial 100 Powerwells that can provide power to homes for years.

As we head into the holiday season, consider helping local entrepreneurship and giving the gift of power to homes in need.